Here’s what you get in this CUSTOM ’24/’25 Mobility Series Package:
Everything in the Upgraded Mobility Series:
- 1 x 45-min Biomechanics Assessment (via zoom)
- Must be completed before starting program
- Access to the upcoming 12-Week Mobility Series (begins Nov 4th)
- Three (3) 45-60 minute on-demand video sessions/week
PLUS: (all of this is customized and integrated weekly based on your needs)
- 1 extra 45-min Biomechanics Assessment
- Scheduled at Week 7/8
- 3 individualized corrective/postural drills specific to what’s going on your body at this time and will be appropriate to take you through Spring Training
- 3 additional days of programming to smoothly integrate with your existing training/throwing:
- Mini-flows
- Shorter classes, including Yoga, Pilates, ELDOA, FRC, body-part focused (ie: hips, thoracic mobility, core, balance, shoulder stability, etc)
- Drills and exercises specific to what your body needs each week (these are constantly being tweaked/adjusted based on our check-ins)
- ELDOA drills
- Mind/body exercises (Meditation, Tapping, NLP Guided Meditations)
- Orofacial Myfunctional Therapy Exercises (if desired)
- Multiple check-ins weekly with Tracy via cell, text, FaceTime
- Ability to ask questions, send videos, hop on video calls with anything that comes up
- Three (3) 20-minute Zooms (or if we’re ever local, we’ll meet for an in-person session)
- 3 months of access to my In-Season Mobility Subscription
- Shorter classes
- Favorite classes from the 12-Week Mobility Series
- All of my currently available Mobility Routines and Warmups
- Review of your current Strength program (if desired) to find ways to integrate mobility directly into exercises and lift days
- Access to all currently available Mobility Routines
To read more about the Mobility Series on my website, click here.
Basic deets on the Main Mobility Series:
- Mobility Series is 12 weeks, with 3 60-min on demand video sessions/wk (36 videos total). On demand means you can watch them whenever you want. – 1st one is available Monday, Nov 4th and then a new one drops every M/W/F at 9a EST.
- Assessment: 45-min Biomechanics Assessment (scheduled immediately after registration)
- Comes with a set of 2-3 drills specific to your individual needs to start ASAP to do alongside Mobility Series
- You get a 2nd set of 2-3 drills as a progression from your first set to further deepen better structural alignment to get you ready for the Mobility Series
- Weekly Zoom: Every Wednesday at 830p EST we’ll meet for a 30-min zoom where you’ll be taught at least 1 new drill not included in the series and/or be brought through a mini flow. You’ll also have the ability to ask questions about form, the program, etc. This is a group zoom for those registered in a Custom Program and Tier 2 programming.
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